Thursday, January 10, 2013

Råtne egg – Len Deighton

Kjapp og rask spionthriller staar det paa omslaget, kan saa vaere,


Råtne egg er en kjapp spionthriller der scenene skifter fra London til Helsinki, fra Riga til New York og andre deler av verden i raskt tempo.

Min mening:

Nei denne var ikke noe for meg.  Kjapp og rask, ja ja, liten skrift over 200 sider der handlingen hoppet i hytt og pine.  Det var en traad i handlingen, men dette var ikke noe saerlig aa skrive hjem om nei.  En 2 paa terningen for meg.


Mer on Deighton fra Fantastic fiction, har ikke vist non-fiction boekene hans fra krigen.


Deighton was born in London in 1929. He worked as a railway clerk before doing his National Service as a photographer attached to the Special Investigation Branch. After his discharge in 1949, he went to art school- first to the St Martin's School of Art, and then to the Royal College of Art on a Scholarship. It was a while working as a waiter in the evenings that he developed an interest in cookery - a subject he was later to make his own in an animated strip for the Observer and in two cookery books. He worked for a while as an illustrator in New York and as art director of an advertising agency in London. Deciding it was time to settle down, Deighton moved to the Dordogne where he started work on his first book, The Ipcress file. Published in 1962, the book was an immediate and spectacular succes.


Denne boken var i alle fall ikke en suksess hos meg :-(

Me bloggast :-)

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