Monday, January 13, 2014

Motorola – Active

Jeg har nevnt baaade skritt teller, whittings pulse og apper.  Her kommer kanskje den ultimate dingsen for trenings freaker, med innebygget GPS og mye annet.

Den gaar paa E-Bay for den nette pris av knappe tusenlappen, og hva kan denne klokka gjoere spoer du ?  Jo omtrent alt, den viser distance, hastighet, kaloriforbruk, pulse, og selvfoelgelig viser den hva klokka er.  Og mere til, en intelligent MP3 spiller som selv finner ut hvilken musikk som passer best til trenings oekten.  Og alt selvfoelgelig traadloest overfoert til eget program paa din komputer.  Man kan vel nesten ikke oenske seg mer. Den har ogsaa audio kommentarer til din trening, som skal hjelpe til aa oppmuntre deg.

This Motorola 8 GB MOTOACTV Sports GPS receiver is a useful tool for the health-conscious consumer. This Motorola Sports GPS receiver allows the user to keep track of fitness activities such as cycling and running. Another useful feature of the GPS receiver is the audio coach, which allows the user to set and monitor the achievement of his or her fitness goals. The intuitive MP3 player is able to learn which music best motivates the user when working out. The Motorola 8 GB MOTOACTV Sports GPS receiver is scratch-resistant, water-resistant, and sweat-proof. Updating workouts wirelessly to the MOTOACTV Training Portal is free and easy when using this Motorola Sports GPS receiver. The GPS receiver is designed to be worn on the wrist, so it is extremely portable and can handle any tough workout with ease. Users of the Motorola 8 GB MOTOACTV Sports GPS receiver can be confident that they have a quality unit that can help them to monitor their workouts and keep them on-track in attaining their fitness goals.

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