Friday, November 18, 2011

Atlantic Ocean

Saa naa er vi paa vei over det store Atlanterhavet.  13 dager foer vi ankommer vaar neste jobb.  Med 12-13 knops fart er det ikke lett aa faa fisket.  Saa det faar nok bli til jeg kommer hjem.

Litt om Atlanterhavet og fisk - sakset fra Wikipedia

The Atlantic Ocean is the second-largest ocean covering 106.4 million square kilometres with a coastline of 111,000 kilometres. It occupies about one-fifth of the Earth's surface.
The ocean has some of the world's richest fishing resources, especially in the waters covering the shelves. The major species of fish caught are cod,haddockhakeherring, and mackerel. The most productive areas include theGrand Banks of Newfoundland, the shelf area off Nova ScotiaGeorges Bankoff Cape Cod, the Bahama Banks, the waters around Iceland, the Irish Sea, the Dogger Bank of the North Sea, and the Falkland Banks. Eellobster, andwhales have also been taken in great quantities. Because of the threats to the ocean environment presented by oil spills, marine debris, and the incineration of toxic wastes at sea, various international treaties exist to reduce some forms of pollution.

En interresant artikkel om torskefiske kan du finne i linken under

The Atlantic Dawn, the world’s largest fishing trawler, can catch enough fish on one voyage to produce 18 million   meals.

Soon after (and possibly even before) Columbus sailed to the New World, Portuguese and Basque fishing boats were catching cod in the Grand Banks, the shallow seas around Newfoundland. By the 1960s, fishers were removing as many as 800,000 tons of cod from the Grand Banks each year. But in 1992, this seemingly inexhaustable fishery collapsed, forcing Canada to declare a moratorium to allow the fish to recover. No such recovery has taken place, and cod remain nearly non-existent in the area.

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