En totalt ny forfatter paa meg, denne fant jeg som gratis bok paa internett, og fant ut at den maatte leses, og det ble en positiv overraskelse.
Foerst litt om boka.
De trodde det var et eksperiment, de tok feil. I et avsideliggende kompleks lang fra sivilisasjonen moetes 8 mennesker til et 7 maaneders opphold uten kontakt med omverden. De har ingen kontakt med folk paa utsiden. Snart viser det seg at dette er en kamp paa liv og doed og bare en kan overleve. Hver deltaker er sponset av en millionaer, som har satt 2 millioner dollar paa sin deltaker som vinner. Og vinneren tar hele potten. Etter som moeter den ene utfordringen etter den andre faller den ene deltakeren etter den andre fra. Et spill uten regler.
Min vurdering:
Boken bygges fint opp, og bakgrunnskildringen av de to hovedpersonene er bra. Utfordringene de moeter i oedemarken er mange og flere av dem er uforstaaelige til aa begynne med. Den minner meg litt om Matthew Reilly’s foerste bok – Contest. En typisk survival thriller med et brukbart persongalleri. Det forundrer meg faktisk ikke om noe lignende kunne ha skjedd i virkeligheten. I USA er det mange rare ting som skjer. Jeg gir den en klar femmer og vil absolutt lese flere boeker av denne forfatteren.
Jacqueline Druga
Jacqueline Druga is a native of Pittsburgh, PA and a prolific writer. She has several published novels and two independant films. Currently she resides with her family and is in production on her third full length feature film which she has written.
Zombie Battle - Parts 1 & 2 by
Jacqueline DrugaPrice: $2.49 USD. 34100 words. Published by
GreatOne AS on June 27, 2011. Fiction.
Zombie Battle is a five part series. This book contains both parts One and Two, Outbreak and Integration.
Zombie Battle - Part Two: Integration by
Jacqueline DrugaPrice: $1.99 USD. 18280 words. Published by
GreatOne AS on June 27, 2011. Fiction.

(2.00 from 1 review)
Believing they have contained the outbreak, samples of the contagion are brought to the United States via infected military and other victims. The virus breaks boundaries and the infection spreads initiating the ground invasion of the War against the Undead.
Cain by
Jacqueline DrugaPrice: $3.99 USD. 130930 words. Published by
GreatOne AS on May 24, 2011. Fiction.

(4.00 from 1 review)
They believed him to be dead like so many who lost their lives in the plague. He searched five years for the father and brother he knew were alive. They began a civilization and live behind protective walls, while he roams the world they protect themselves from. The prodigal son returns. He is welcomed, and then . . . he is cast back out when they discover he's become a bad seed.
The Calling by
Jacqueline DrugaPrice: $3.99 USD. 55520 words. Published by
GreatOne AS on March 1, 2011. Fiction.
For Danny Bishop Everything is ideal until his road comes to a halt and he finds out he has six weeks to live. With limited time remaining, Danny must put his life in order. In doing so, he finds a mission; one considered impossible. He sets out not to defeat the illness that threatens to conquer him, but rather defeat death by finding assurance that once he dies, he will be able to return.
Dust by
Jacqueline DrugaPrice: $3.99 USD. 72700 words. Published by
GreatOne AS on March 1, 2011. Fiction.
Emotional turmoil grips the lives of a family as they struggle in the after effects of World War III.
Bob by
Jacqueline DrugaPrice: $3.99 USD. 137390 words. Published by
GreatOne AS on February 11, 2011. Fiction.
The spirit of a World War II soldier influences the main character in an unpublished writer's novel. But just when things take off for her, she starts to see him. The only problem is . . . no one else can.
Siege of the Witches by
Jacqueline DrugaPrice: $3.99 USD. 109870 words. Published by
GreatOne AS on February 9, 2011. Fiction.
An eighteenth century witch wreaks her havoc on a small unsuspecting town when she possesses the body of a six year old girl. Through the child she builds her forces and goes on a revenge filled murderous rampage, leaving her male victims not only without their lives, but without their hearts, as well.
Zombie Battle - Part One: Outbreak by
Jacqueline DrugaPrice: $0.99 USD. 15930 words. Published by
GreatOne AS on February 7, 2011. Fiction.

(3.00 from 1 review)
A meteor lands in a field by a small Peruvian village. The villagers are exposed to a virus seeping from the celestial body and within hours they are deathly ill. Health officials race to the site. They learn that not only is the virus highly contagious and deadly, but it doesn’t stop after the victim has died. The virus reanimates its victims turning them into the unimaginable . . . zombies
The Peacekeeper by
Jacqueline DrugaPrice: $2.99 USD. 29840 words. Published by
GreatOne AS on February 2, 2011. Fiction.
Raising four boys alone is not an easy task. Widower, Joe Slagel tries. He works hard, provides a stable home with lots of love. But Joe Slagel also provides his sons with something else, disposable stepmothers. Boy will be boys. But when the final straw is snapped and the fifth stepmother packs up and leaves without notice, Joe realizes it is time to bring in a professional.
The Silent Victor by
Jacqueline DrugaPrice: $3.99 USD. 122540 words. Published by
GreatOne AS on January 27, 2011. Fiction.

(4.00 from 1 review)
The struggle to survive is witnessed through the eyes of a small group of people as they battle an unseen and invincible foe. You will watch as they do, their world and everyone they love, crumble in the devastation of the virus. Hope, faith and humanity are tested as the silent victor runs its course.
Twisted and Warm - A Short Story Collection by
Jacqueline DrugaPrice: $0.99 USD. 22110 words. Published by
GreatOne AS on January 17, 2011. Fiction.

(3.00 from 1 review)
Where there is death, there is fear, love, missing, dementia and sometimes smiles. Twisted and Warm is a collection of short stories by Author Jacqueline Druga. Ranging from twisted to warm, Jacqueline gives you ten short stories all of which deal with the theme of death in one way or another.
Words with my Father by
Jacqueline DrugaPrice: $2.99 USD. 23660 words. Published by
GreatOne AS on January 10, 2011. Fiction.
Moments before midnight on New Year’s Eve, Danny D’Argenio suffers a massive heart attack and dies. There in the delicate space between life and death, he is given a special gift. Reunited with his deceased father, he is given the opportunity to see what his life would have been like had he been granted the wish to change some of his life choices.
Sister Perpetua is an Alien by
Jacqueline DrugaPrice: $2.99 USD. 35870 words. Published by
GreatOne AS on January 6, 2011. Fiction.

(4.00 from 1 review)
A look at the world through the eyes of a child carries an air of innocence. On the pages of her little red diary, Debbie Lou journals her fifth grade year in a distorted manner. From believing her mother to be a spy with Watergate, to her home room teacher being a Martian, reality and fantasy collide when Debbie Lou tells the story.